Centralia Cemetery - Centralia, PA
Where: Centralia, PA
When: Saturday, October 16, 2004
Time: Approximately 11 PM EST
Materials Used: 1 flashlight, voice recorder, digital camera
Members Present: Tom, Jess, Mike, Justyn

Im not sure if this cemetary is haunted but we checked it out anyway, took some evps but we didnt get anything, Mike saw a red light in the woods that was there and then gone a few times and we took a few pics before we took off running from things we heard and from the red light LOL. Just a note, when someone says they see something and you dont see it right away, and then you do, DO NOT TAKE OFF RUNNING UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS.

Centralia Cemetary 1 - An orb above 1 of the tombstones with a flag on it, and a light in the woods that we had no clue about until we uploaded the pictures.

Centralia Cemetary 2 - Another orb in this picture on the other side of the long walkway right down the center of the cemetary.

Centralia Cemetary 3 - This picture is unexplained except for the orbs and lights floating around, we have no clue what that smoke is because it was nowhere near us when we took the picture.

Centralia Cemetary 3 - Same picture as above but lit up to give a more clear view.

Conclusion: No sturdy evidence of any paranormal activity. Nothing more than a few orbs. We're convinced the cemetery is haunted and plan to do a more thorough investigation in the near future.